Eratasthenes Sieve

Posted on: April 30, 2016 6:58:52 PM

Another programming challenge was to determine the 5000th prime number. A common way to quickly calculate prime numbers is using a sieve. There are several that you can choose from, I chose to implement Eratasthenes sieve. The code below will allow you to get all the prime numbers up to a limit.

    public class EratosthenesSieve
        public static IEnumerable PrimeNumbers(int limit)
            // add 1 to the limit to determine the limit number itself as well
            BitArray bitArray = new BitArray(limit + 1, true);

            bitArray[0] = false;
            bitArray[1] = false;
            bitArray[2] = true;

            yield return 2;

            for (int i = 4; i < bitArray.Length; i += 2)
                bitArray[i] = false;

            for (int i = 3; i < bitArray.Length; i++)
                if (bitArray[i])
                    yield return i;

                    for (int x = i * 2; x < bitArray.Length; x += i)
                        bitArray[x] = false;


Interesting way of doing it, I like the deferred execution.

Jake May 2, 2016 11:48:27 PM

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